Judge: Yvonne Van der Horst (NT), 21st August 2011
5 year old bitch good substance and proportions, calm, alert, pretty feminine head, ears somewhat large, could be held closer to the skull, dark lips, dark eyes, gums are slightly pink, correct dentition, very good chest, good shoulder placement, good front and rear angulation, coat colour and markings correct, good topline. Very good movement.
Grade V2 (Excellent) – 2nd Aus Bred Bitch
Judge: Isabelle Nicol (Scotland), 9th April 2011
4 ½ yr bitch, very alert feminine, nice head, good width of clean head, good ears, dark pigment, little pink in gums, good forechest, correct bite, good reach of neck, good top and underline, strong back end, good tail, moved well around the ring.
Grade V3 (Excellent) – 3rd Aus Bred Bitch
Judge: Craig Phillips (Victoria), 22nd August 2010
4 year old female, medium large, strong female head, very good strength of skull and muzzle. Correct bite, slightly open in lips. Slightly high set ear sitting away from the cheek. Medium brown eye. Well placed forequarter. Good upper and lower lines. Good angulation front and rear. Correct feet front and rear. Correct coat and markings. Good reach and slightly short stepping behind. Calm and friendly.
Grade SG1 (Very Good) – 1st Aus Bred Bitch
Judge: Louise Russell (Victoria), 23rd August 2009
Three year old medium sized bitch. Nice outline, very clean. Medium strength feminine head, muzzle could be a little broader. Large ears, slightly high set and could be carried closer to the cheeks. Medium brwn slightly round eyes. Scissor bite complete dentition, excellent pigmentation. Very nice neck and backline, Well laid shoulder, short and steep upper arm. Medium bone, right pastern turns out a little. Toes a little long and splayed. Good underline, very good hindquarter angulation. Correct tail, the last vertebrae is not sitting quite straight but it is not a kink. Slightly short in coat, light brown markinga well defined. Free movement, elbows a little loose. Medium reach and drive, topline firm enough on the move.
Grade V2 (Excellent) – 2nd Aus Bred Bitch
Judge: Mrs Lydia Mihajlovic (Serbia),
19th April 2009
Two and half year old female, correct bite and tail. Correct size, excellent substance. Correct type higher set ears, a bit a way from the fore head. Wide skull, strong muzzle, medium brown eye. Correct pigmentation. Strong well arched, correctly set neck. Correct shoulders, withers should be better pronounced. Correct back. Strong chest. Correct front angulation, a bit shorter forearm, weaker in the wrist and steeper pasterns. Front legs turn east west, excellent bottom line. Correct and strong rear. Excellent coat, correct markings, could be a little bit darker. Temperament friendly. Correct movement.
Grade V4 (Excellent) – 4th Intermediate Bitch
Judge: Ms Kerryn O’Brien (Australia),
24th August 2008
2 year old female. Very good type. Medium bone. Scissor bite. Correct dentition. Good mouth pigmentation, somewhat rose pink on the gums. Typey female head. Medium to large ears, could sit closer to the face. Almond shaped eyes of a good size, medium to dark in colour. Could have more fill under the eyes. Excellent neck into shoulders. Very good front and rear angulation. Very good topline, a little tucked in the underline. Very good croup and tail. Excellent feet. Markings could be a little richer. Excellent movement. Correct tail carriage.
Grade V2 (Excellent) – 2nd Intermediate Bitch
Judge: Mr Gabor Haas (Hungary),
15th June 2008
Medium size, substantial, very good chest proportions. Strong back. Very good angulations. Typey strong female head with good set of ears. Strong short jaws. Dark brown eyes, dark mouth. Correct markings with strong overcoat. Moves freely and good hindquarter drive.
Grade V (Excellent) – Intermediate Bitch
Judge: Mrs Maggie Murray (New Zealand),
19th April 2008
Medium to large 20 month old bitch. Scissor bite, full dentition, mouth pigmentation pink and mottled, lips dark, medium eye colour, good sized ears, the set could be slightly lower but they are held quite close to the head. Medium bone strength, good shoulder and upper arm, nice compact body and good rear angulation. Tail carried correctly. Correct coat with well defined markings. Very positive movement.
Grade SG2 (Very Good) – 2nd Intermediate Bitch
Judge: Mrs Yvonne Van der Horst (Australia),
15th – 16th March 2008
19 months. Medium size. Very good substance. Very good proportions. Very good coat. Correct markings. Feminine head. Large ears a little high set. Medium brown eyes. Very good muzzle. Very good neck, flowing nice into topline. Very good topline and bottom line. Good croup. Feet could be a little tighter. Strong straight hocks. Correct dentition. Mottled mouth pigment with some pink at the back. Very good movement.
Grade V2 (Excellent) – 2nd Intermediate Bitch
Judge: Mr Gerard O’Shea (Sweden),
15th – 18th June 2007
10 months, correct size, substance, normal bones. Elegant head, broad skull, good stop, sufficient muzzle. Ears a little loose, dark eyes. Correct weight. Excellent neck and overline, good ribbing. Medium front angulation, correct rear angulation. Very nice outline. Slightly open in feet. Normal coat, with medium brown markings. In movement, excellent carriage, very good reach and drive. Normal tail.
Grade VP2 (Very Promising) – 2nd Puppy Bitch
Breed Survey
Judge: Mr Gabor Haas (Hungary)
16th June 2008
General Appearance and Attitude:
Medium to large, very harmonious, substantial, compact, very nice top line, very good angulations, very nice female head, very good ears, strong jaw, very good chest proportions, correct markings, strong over coat, moves freely with very good hindquarter drive.
Muzzle: 9cm Skull: 13cm Height: 60cm Length: 70cm Girth: 81cm
Depth: 38cm Weight: 37kg
Bite/Dentition: Complete Scissor Eye Colour: 2A
Character and Temperament Assessment:
Self Assurance: Mid Temperament: High Manageability: Mid
Degree of excitability: Mid Fearlessness: Low Alertness: Mid
Mistrust: Low Protective Drive: Mid
Reaction to Gun Shots: Indifference Crowd Test: Indifference
Foxy is owned, loved and handled by Belynda Wheatland of Abrolhos Rottweilers in Western Australia.
Hips = R2 / L1, total 3
Elbows = R1 / L0
Multi V Rated Gr Ch Blickscharf Ashke CD ET Hips R5 : L4 = 9 |
Ch Blackcombe Baldrick ET |
Ch Dazzler Blitz (Imp Gmy) |
Ch Blackcombe Scandalous CD, ET |
Blickscharf Diamond Lil |
Multi V Rated Ch Brohez Baron Beau |
Ashmirra Korama | ||
Allerzeit Enya
Hips R1 : L3 = 4 |
Allerhochst McLeod |
Multi V Rated Ch Nottrott Wilde Hakim |
Multi V Rated Ch Brojelie Diesel |
V Rated Glenosci Innes [A] |
Multi V Rated Allerhochst Elliot |
Glenosci Skye [A] CD |